« on: May 31, 2013, 09:26:49 AM »
I have a Goulds 10GS30 pump. Over the years we've installed a total of four diaphragm tanks, partly to minimize start stop cycles and partly because we like the additional water storage in case of power failures.
Looking at your valves it looks like it cuts the pump flow back to 1 GPM while the pressure tanks are refilling, until the 60 psig pressure shutoff point is reached. From looking at the Goulds pump curve, it shows the pump minimum flow to prevent overheating at about 2 GPM. I plan on setting your valve setpoint at about 50 psig.
With your valve, at 1 GPM flow the pump will run for about an hour before the approximately 80 gallon tank drawdown is refilled, assuming a demand drew it down to 40 psig or so? We have a drip irrigation system so it will draw down to 40 psig.
If I install your valve, do I need to get rid of several storage tanks to prevent excessive pumping time below Goulds' minimum rated flow? Or will setting the valve setpoint closer to the pressure switch shutoff point resolve this? Appreciate any comments you may have.