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Messages - Bob_T

Pages: [1]
Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / CSV with Dole Valve
« on: June 04, 2013, 03:42:44 PM »
I saw on your website that a Dole Valve can be used upstream of a CSV.  s there anything in particular I need to know about installing a Dole valve upstream of a CSV?   Such as a minimum distance away on the pipeline, or any other requirements or cautions?



Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Pump Minimum Flow
« on: June 03, 2013, 02:30:43 PM »
Hi Cary,

I'm looking again at the Goulds 10GS30 pump curve and it shows a minimum recommended flow of 3 GPM.   I'm guessing that the 2 GPM is a nominal rating for the CS valve and as the pressure goes toward the 60 psi pump shutoff setpoint the flow may even drop below 2 GPM?
Probably just a potential issue with large storage capacity where the pump might run quite awhile at 2 GPM.

Or am I just over thinking this?  If you think the 2GPM is sufficient flow for the 10GS30 then I'll take your word for it.


Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Pump Minimum Flow
« on: May 31, 2013, 10:25:22 PM »

Thanks for your straightforward answers to this and my other post.  I'm now leaning towards getting rid of the extra tanks and keeping only one plus a CS valve.  I do like having the extra reserve storage capacity, but - the tanks are a nuisance and the diaphragms are not reliable, plus they take up space.  Even if I have to replace or repair the CS valve once in awhile due to the higher dP across it I think I'll still be ahead.


Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Soft Start?
« on: May 31, 2013, 12:47:25 PM »
Interesting about the cable length.  I've been thinking sort of the same thing.  The cable now is 8 gage and about 470 feet long, which I think is exactly Franklin's maximum recommended length for this pump/motor.



Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Pump Minimum Flow
« on: May 31, 2013, 11:06:37 AM »
Thanks Cary,

I should have provided more info.  The static water level is about 430 feet or so and thanks to a nearby golf course the level is steadily dropping a few feet each year.  Drawdown is only a few feet when the pump is running and the pump is set at 478 feet.  I plan on lowering the pump 40 feet or so.

The drip system draws more than a few GPM - I have tried to balance it so that it draws close to what the pump produces.  The drip system only runs for an hour each zone and it's programmed so that there are hours of time when the drip system is not running between each zone before the drip system activates again. 

It seems like my best solution might be a Cycle Stop valve with a minimum flow of 2 GPM?  Can you tell me what this would cost?


Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Soft Start?
« on: May 31, 2013, 10:55:08 AM »
From reading through the information on the Cycle Stop valves I have the impression that they will also act as a soft start for the pump, evidently by restricting the initial flow when the pump starts.  Maybe I'm mistaken.

However, given a pressure switch setting of 40 and 60 psig and a Cycle Stop valve setting of say 50 psi, here is what I don't understand.
Say the pump is off and the tank is at 60 psi when a sprinkler system is turned on.  They sprinklers have a demand higher than the pump can keep up with.  As the pressure drops below the 50 psi Cycle Stop setpoint, I'm thinking that it will open up and when the tank pressure reaches the 40 psi pump start pressure, the Cycle Start valve will be wide open?  Can you please explain how the Cycle Stop approximates a soft start condition?

Edit: I think I found my answer in another thread here.  The Cycle Stop valve evidently is not wide open when the pump starts and is partly closed and limits the initial flow.   I'd still appreciate any comments you may have.

Thank you,


Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Pump Minimum Flow
« on: May 31, 2013, 09:26:49 AM »
I have a Goulds 10GS30 pump.  Over the years we've installed a total of four diaphragm tanks, partly to minimize start stop cycles and partly because we like the additional water storage in case of power failures.

Looking at your valves it looks like it cuts the pump flow back to 1 GPM while the pressure tanks are refilling, until the 60 psig pressure shutoff point is reached.  From looking at the Goulds pump curve, it shows the pump minimum flow to prevent overheating at about 2 GPM.  I plan on setting your valve setpoint at about 50 psig.

With your valve, at 1 GPM flow the pump will run for about an hour before the approximately 80 gallon tank drawdown is refilled, assuming a demand drew it down to 40 psig or so?   We have a drip irrigation system so it will draw down to 40 psig.

If I install your valve, do I need to get rid of several storage tanks to prevent excessive pumping time below Goulds' minimum rated flow?  Or will setting the valve setpoint closer to  the pressure switch shutoff point resolve this?    Appreciate any comments you may have.



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