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Messages - CurtisT

Pages: [1]
Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / CSV on a weak well?
« on: September 03, 2016, 11:40:34 AM »
My house has a very weak well.  Currently has a 45gal pressure tank set at 50/30 (13.9gal drawdown).  We run out of water everyday.  The pump will take about 20 minutes to fill the pressure tank back up.  The pump runs for about 2.5 minutes then shuts off for 1.5 minutes, then runs for 2.5 minutes, etc... until the tank is full.  It takes about 5 pump cycles to recover the 13.9 gallons.  If my math is right our well holds less than 3 gallons of water at a time, but will recover it in the 1.5 minutes the well isn't running.

Would a CSV be OK to add in this application? 
Would it help with my lack of water?


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