« on: January 12, 2022, 11:46:21 AM »
Hi there! I have decided on and have purchased a CSV for my well pump installation. That said, I need some advice. My well is located about 300' from my home and shop. I plan to run 1-1/4" PEX from the well to the shop and then from the shop to the house. The shop is being built 1st. Anyway, I am still undecided on where to put the water works. I can build a well house near the well or I can hook everything up in the shop. If I build a wellhouse, I can put hydrants in wherever I please but if I put it in the shop, I believe that creates issues with hydrants. Or does it? What if I were to install the CSV at the well/pitless adapter? Would that work? I have never had a well, let alone hooked on up myself and want to do this right. Thanks for the advice!