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Topics - BeDriven

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Frequently Asked Questions / CSV1A flow restriction?
« on: April 21, 2022, 02:23:15 PM »
I put in a CSV1A a while ago. Pretty happy with it but had some changes at home (kids) that brought something to my attention. My pump without the CSV delivers ~ 12GPM @ 50PSI. Pretty good... The CSV is set to 55PSI when @ 2GPM flow (45-65 cut in/out). When I open more faucets to 5GPM the CSV drops to 42PSI. That's below my cut-in pressure and pretty noticeable at the showers. When I have that 42PSI at 5GPM the "high side" pressure is 130PSI. Why is that valve so restricted? I thought maybe it needed cleaning but when I pulled it everything was spotless. I don't think the current setup could deliver 6-7 GPM with the CSV, which could happen if I turn on a hose outside while showers are going on. Where is this restriction coming from and is it something I can eliminate? These readings are right at the valve so there are no filters or anything contributing.

I installed a CSV a few months back and slapped it in quick cause I knew I had more changes coming to my softener setup. Well, that day is here and I need to make everything right. I'm pretty particular about my installs (of anything) and would normally solder in copper but it's SO expensive now. What's good standard practice when installing things in a well water system? My well guy glued PVC for everything and left me one test/drain valve by the pressure switch. I see people talk about double union valves and test ports between each filter. How much is too much?

Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Poly pipe leaking at insert fitting.
« on: April 17, 2021, 10:01:00 PM »
Hi all,

         I installed a PK1A kit recently and I'm really enjoying the normalized pressure in the house now. I do have a very small leak at a poly pipe joint before the CSV1A. The well company had the poly sticking waaaaay out of the wall and used a pvc insert fitting. I wanted to clean up the install a little and trimmed the pipe back and put a SS fitting on instead. Seemed easy enough... I used my heat gun on the pipe, shoved in the fitting, and clamped with those pinch clamps made for this stuff. Drip drip drip is my problem there. I also decided to add a pressure gauge pre-CSV1A just so I could monitor the high side as well. It gets up to around 148psi at it's highest and that insert leaks pretty good then. Any tips on how to fix this? I do have enough poly to trim back and try again. Would a compression fitting be better here? Thanks!

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