Frequently Asked Questions / CSV1A flow restriction?
« on: April 21, 2022, 02:23:15 PM »
I put in a CSV1A a while ago. Pretty happy with it but had some changes at home (kids) that brought something to my attention. My pump without the CSV delivers ~ 12GPM @ 50PSI. Pretty good... The CSV is set to 55PSI when @ 2GPM flow (45-65 cut in/out). When I open more faucets to 5GPM the CSV drops to 42PSI. That's below my cut-in pressure and pretty noticeable at the showers. When I have that 42PSI at 5GPM the "high side" pressure is 130PSI. Why is that valve so restricted? I thought maybe it needed cleaning but when I pulled it everything was spotless. I don't think the current setup could deliver 6-7 GPM with the CSV, which could happen if I turn on a hose outside while showers are going on. Where is this restriction coming from and is it something I can eliminate? These readings are right at the valve so there are no filters or anything contributing.