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Topics - smarty39

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Hi there,

Found this great product (and forum) after searching for Franklin Monodrive replacements.  I have just had my 2nd VFD fail (original Franklin unit and now this 'newer' Monodrive) after only 12 years at this point I am refusing to purchase another one and would like to instead convert to a CSV setup.

My biggest question is in regards to the pump.  I unfortunately do not have any records as to what type of pump is in there now other than I do know it is a submersible style.  On the current, faulty Monodrive it shows the dipsticks for both the pump and motor as 1hp, so I'm going to assume that is correct since it worked perfect...before it died again.  I am also goin to assume that it is a 3-phase pump due to the VFD being installed in the first I right in concluding that I will need a new, single-phase pump even if the current pump is still functional?  If so, what pump is recommended for a ~30ft deep well that is located directly beside the house (only an additional 30-ish feet from the well casing to the mechanical room).

I always had ~70psi which I would like to keep, and that is what the Monodrive was set at as well.  We have a fairly large (4 zone) in-ground irrigation system that ran fine with the current setup so I'm hoping nothing would need to change there.  The existing pressure tank appears to be okay, but I'm wondering if I should just bite the bullet and replace everything to start fresh.  At the end of the day it would still be cheaper than just a new VFD unit which is crazy.

Sorry for all the questions but being in Canada I need to be sure as to what I'm ordering as returning would not be cheap or easy.  I've read a ton of posts on this forum but everyone has their own specific scenarios...and I don't see much discussion regarding the pump side of things and what brands/models are being used.

Thank you very much in advance!  I've attached a couple pictures of my current setup for reference.

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