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Applications / Re: In well csv
« Last post by Cary Austin on September 14, 2023, 11:11:28 AM »
Yes.  The CSVS125 can fit in the well just below the pitless adapter.  You can see it here.
Applications / In well csv
« Last post by Kristo89 on September 13, 2023, 08:20:27 PM »
I’ve been looking at either converting my well pump to a vfd or installing a csv. The issue that I’m running in to is that my well supplies my house and my workshop and they are connected underground just outside the well casing. In order for the csv to work for me I believe I have to have it installed between the pump and the tee that joins the two water lines to the casing outlet. Is there a csv available that will fit in a 4” well casing?
Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Formula for pump math?
« Last post by Tyler Coressel on September 13, 2023, 07:48:59 PM »
First off, i am not a professional, so this is probably elementary for you guys that work with it everyday. But i was wondering how the math works to figure out your submersible pump pressure on the poly drop line. I want to get a CSV to install under my pitless adapter, but am concerned about the pressure. I just replaced my pump that went bad with a Simer 1/2hp 10gpm. My static water level is 25ft, my pump is 50ft down from the surface. What is the formula that figures the back pressure at 50ft of head?

Probably irrelevant details: 40/60 PS, 7 gal pressure tank. Poly line is 1 inch with no markings that i can find. Im sure its old. Probably cant take whatever its rated pressure used to be.

My current system cycles all the time, like 3 or 4 cycles for every toilet flush. Ridiculous. Im glad i found the CSV! I just need to make sure I know what I am doing before I order and install it.

One last thing, we have sulfur water in my area in Northwest Ohio. The water releases hydrogen sulfide gas which is murder on copper and brass. Kills electronics in my house all the time. Does the CSV contain copper or brass components?
Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Low pressure due to low flow?
« Last post by Cary Austin on August 25, 2023, 12:03:43 PM »
I think it is going to depend on your pumping level.  From 60' deep that pump can only do about 8 GPM at 50 PSI.  When the pressure gets below 50 PSI the CSV just opens up like a piece of pipe and you are getting whatever your pump can deliver from whatever water level it is working with.  A gouge before the CSV would confirm this for you.
Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Low pressure due to low flow?
« Last post by john98266 on August 25, 2023, 11:46:28 AM »
Thanks but I bypassed them with virtually no change in the flow.
Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Low pressure due to low flow?
« Last post by Cary Austin on August 25, 2023, 11:32:04 AM »
I suspect the softener or filter.  Can you put them in bypass and try again?
Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Low pressure due to low flow?
« Last post by john98266 on August 24, 2023, 06:08:19 PM »
HELP!  My system is a 78' well with a 1/2hp F&W 11GPM pump at 70'.  I have a CSVS125-1 installed in the well at the pitless adapter.  The pipe from the well to the manifold is 195' of 1-1/4" Pex.  Past the manifold is a Kinetico water softener system.  From there, there is a 1" poly pipe approx 50' to the 3/4" connection under my manufactured home.  The CSV is set for 50lbs and the pressure cut-off is at 40-60lbs.  I have checked the pressure at the hose bib in my shop (where the manifold and softener systems are) and it is 60psi.  The flow at the hose bib in the shop is about 6gpm. When I turn on the faucet to water the lawn, the pressure drops to 40psi or lower if any other water is being used.  This is a new home and I'm not sure where to start looking.  Maybe a bigger pump?  The wiring was installed to handle the amperage.  I'm open to all suggestions.
Valve Tech / Re: Sizing CSV for well
« Last post by Cary Austin on August 21, 2023, 12:07:10 PM »
With only a 5 GPM pump your pressure problem could be from a lack of flow instead of pressure.  A 10 GPM, 1/2HP would be a much better fit for such a shallow well.  A 3/4HP, 10 GPM would be even better.

But you can get what you can get with the 5 GPM pump.  That pump lifting from 17' can make 155 PSI, which is 5 PSI higher than we recommend for the CSV125.  We have some fudge factor figured in, so it will work.  But the higher the pressure setting the better.  You can use a 50 PSI in the CSV125-1 with a 40/60 switch.  But you have plenty of pump pressure to turn up the switch to 50/70 and use a 60 PSI CSV125-1.  If the 5 GPM volume is not your problem, the 60 PSI pressure would be such strong shower pressure than soap would no longer be needed.  Lol!
Valve Tech / Sizing CSV for well
« Last post by Andrew12 on August 20, 2023, 11:57:49 PM »

Been reading a bunch of posts here, think I have it somewhat figured but looking for some guidance. Looking to get a more ‘constant’ pressure from my well. Current setup is a 40~ gallon pressure tank, Franklin 1/2hp 5gpm submersible. 30/50 psi pressure switch. All located in the basement of the house. Going to be trenching over to a barn in the next couple weeks from the well, teeing into the existing line/hydrant. Well is 105’ deep, pump landed at 85’, static water level 17’. Pitiless adapter at 10’. Flow tested the well at 5 gpm. Looking at the csv12550, would you recommend leaving pressure switch at 30/50 or going to a 40/60?  Or would a csv12560 be better with a 40/60 pressure switch. Looking for 40-50 psi for showering etc. Thanks in advance!
Valve Tech / Re: Calculating pressure
« Last post by Cary Austin on August 19, 2023, 05:51:50 PM »
Don't know why Zoeller can't publish a pump curve like any respectable pump company should.  But a 12 GPM, 1/2 HP is a 12 GPM, 1/2HP and there isn't much difference between brands.  Can't find a pump curve anywhere.  But from the stupid chart I can see it matches the numbers of other such pumps so the max pressure will also be the same.
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