2” and larger CSV’s are normally closed. This means they are in the closed (5 GPM) position when the pump starts, no matter the pressure setting.
The smaller, direct acting CSV’s are normally open. This means the only thing that holds them closed (1, 2, or 5 GPM) position is when the downstream pressure is higher than the valves set pressure. So with a 40/60 pressure switch, the CSV would need to be set at 40 PSI to be in the closed (1, 2, or 5 GPM) position when the pump starts.
However, the water in the well pipe is still holding pressure on the pump in the well, along with the 40 PSI in the tank as the pump starts (40/60 switch, CSV at 50). As water is not compressible, and the CSV reacts instantaneously, the first wave of water coming from the pump will actually close the CSV for and instant. This blocks the pressure wave from traveling further than the CSV. The CSV instantly starts controlling the pressure, if it is higher than the set point. Or opens up fully if the pressure is below the set point. Either way the CSV prevents any pressure pulse further down the line.
This is not quite as good for a soft start as being in the closed position like the larger CSV’s are. Although I don’t think soft start is nearly as important on a 10 GPM pump as it is a 100 GPM pump. You can also get a reduced voltage soft start by using the longest length of the smallest wire possible for the horsepower motor that you have. Franklin says, “using the maximum recommended cable length there will be about 20% reduced starting current and about 36% reduced starting torque”. Basically, over-sizing the pump cable is not a good thing, as the right size cable can give you all the benefits of a reduced voltage soft starter.
All Cycle Stop Valves, large or small, will be in the “closed” (or minimum flow) position when the pump stops. This certainly gives you a soft stop, as the check valve is only open the thickness of a piece of paper at these low flow rates. So when the pump shuts off, the check valve “kisses off” quietly, and water hammer is completely eliminated.