Author Topic: What is the Best Jet Pump for my need ?  (Read 6895 times)


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What is the Best Jet Pump for my need ?
« on: July 12, 2011, 10:23:55 PM »
I have a creek at the back which is about over 200 ft away from my house.  I want to draw water from the creek horizontally as the landscape is very flat to my vegetable garden through a garden hose. I am not sure what kind of pump would suit me.  I live in Toronto, Canada. I also went to Home Depot today and could not decide what pump to get as the sales staff's knowledge as to jet pumps were very limited. Any help would be appreciated. You could even email me with your suggestions. Thx.   

Karen Austin

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Re: What is the Best Jet Pump for my need ?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 07:47:30 AM »
You can't draw through a garden hose, it will colapse.  It is hard to draw 200' through anything.  It is better to push than draw.  If you can put the pump close to the creek, you can push a long way.  Installed close the the creek a 1/2 HP Jet pump will work.  But I would prefer a 1/2 HP submersible in the creek if possible.