Hello, I bought the PK1A kit on the internet, installed it and I seem to have a leaking PRV. Is the PRV in this kit adjustable? I thought the PRV was working well because when I first turned on the pump, it would not cut off and the PRV opened. (Since the pump did not cut off I decided to adjust the pressure switch, i.e., lower the cut off pressure. I gave it quite a few turns and the pump cut off at 57 PSI so it looks like the pressure switch was not set at 60/40 psi as stated in the documentation that came with it.)
Before adjusting the switch and while the pump was on and pushed the pressure up, the PRV opened to let water out. At the point when the PRV opened the pressure on the gauge at the CSV was less than 75 psi so it appears that the PRV is not set for 75 psi. Can the PRV be adjusted or do I need to get another PRV that can be set to 75 psi?