I need some advice please. I just replaced a leaking Welltrol tank that lookepd to be quite old. Best I could tell, it had a 20 gallon tank and a 20/40 PS. Water presure was awful even before the leak and PS seemed off (never saw 40 PSI on the gage). The kit is awesome! The install looks very clean and came together as promised but here's my issue. When I held my breathe and flipped the switch the pump came on and with the sink tap on presure climbed in excess of 60 PSI. I adjusted the CSV way down to no change. I turned my tap off at the sink and let the system come to a rest. After opening and closing faucets in and around the house, I had another go at it and I did get it regulated to 50 PSI. GREAT! So this morning, my wife doing laundry etc. realizes that we have no water. It seems that after running a while the breaker is tripping.
We have a Franklin 1/2 HP pump which research tells me it's a 4" SS model 214514 115v. The Inside control box model number is 2801044915. I have no history on the system or the well, other than over 80 foot with ample water. I'm wondering if I've set the operating PSI to high on the CSV or if the new 40/60 PS setting is to hard on my pump or what.
We had the leak and low pressure prior to the PK1A install but not the breaker issue. Is it possible that this can be to good of a setup for our pump? Or should I think maybe the pump is getting worn? Yes I know, you can't know exactly what I'm asking. I guess im looking for advice. Can I decrease presure to relieve load on the pump?