I have a well with a 2 year old CSV1A. It has an air over water tank downstream of the CSV. I drain the pressure tank once a year because it becomes waterlogged. I turned my pump off and drained the tank last night, and this morning the pressure tank was empty but the pressure on the downstream side of the CSV was still at 45psi thus not allowing my 40-60 pressure switch to cut in. I opened the hose bib just downstream of the CSV and there isn't any pressure there (There aren't any check valves downstream of the CSV). I can provide power to the pump with lever on the side of the pressure switch and build pressure (and water comes out of the hose bib), but when I open the hose bib the pressure again only drops to 45psi. The pressure gage and pressure switch are tapped in on the body of the CSV on the downstream side, one on each side of the CSV. I also have a pressure gage upstream of the CSV because I was curious about head loss across the CSV. It also has pressure when my hose bib is open.
Any ideas on how to get my pressure to drop below 45psi? I was considering just unscrewing the pressure gage.
Any ideas on what would cause this? I've drained the pressure tank before without problem.