Author Topic: SW Gardens uses CSV and 44 gal tank for 138 homes  (Read 3121 times)

Cary Austin

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SW Gardens uses CSV and 44 gal tank for 138 homes
« on: August 03, 2020, 12:49:09 PM »
A state inspection was made on the old system. The water operator was informed that due to low pressure during peak demands, he needed to install larger booster pumps than the two 3 HP pumps he had.

 The cycling was bad with the old 3 HP pumps and 3,000 gallons of pressure tank, cycling would be worse with larger pumps. To stay within acceptable run times with the new 7.5 HP pumps a 10,000 gallon tank was needed. Prices ranged from $20,000 to $35,000. Add the price of the pumps, everyday expenses, and it might as well have been a million dollars. There is no way to sell enough water to 138 mobile homes to justify that kind of expenditure.

 The water operator was not the kind to give up easily. He began to look for alternatives. He soon learned that Cycle Stop Valves and variable speed pumps both claimed to be able to do the job with out the big pressure tank. Comparing the two options, the water operator determined that the variable speed pumps have complicated electronics and were still out of his budget. The Cycle Stop Valve was simple, inexpensive, and claimed to work with only a 44 gallon tank.

 Confronting the state officials, the water operator was informed that the 10,000 gallon tank, engineered with a compressor and all the accessories was the only approved method. He tried for a grant. He was stunned to find out that there were hundreds of water systems that were in worse shape than this one. All of them were trying for a grant to purchase an approved pressure tank or water tower. The water operator could afford to put in the larger pumps and even the Cycle Stop Valves. But, if the 10,000 gallon tank was mandatory, the state would have to buy it when they took over after the bankruptcy.

 Well, seven years have passed since the installation of the larger pumps with Cycle Stop Valves and a 44 gallon tank. What does the water operator have to say? "I can't believe the way these Cycle Stop Valves work. I just had to change my way of thinking. I was used to hearing the old pumps cycle on and off all the time. It seemed strange to come into the pump house and here a pump running all the time. Since installation the primary pump has been running 24 hours a day. The Cycle Stop Valve has held the pressure at exactly 55 PSI all this time. The flow rate in the park can vary from as little as 5 GPM to as much as 400 GPM and the pump, or pumps if needed, just keep on running supplying exactly the same amount of water as the customers are using. With the old system the pressure was always changing, 40 to 60, 60 to 40, 40 to 60, continuously. One major complaint was that the sprinklers would just barely work for a while, then they would shoot all the way into the neighbors yard at other times. The steady 55 PSI supplied by the Cycle Stop Valve has fixed that problem. I was also worried that a 7.5 HP pump running all the time would cause my electric bill to go up. Last year I mostly had one 3 HP pump running, sometimes on, sometimes off. Now I have over twice as large a pump (7.5HP) running 24 hours a day but, my electric bill hasn't increased at all. I have had absolutely no complaints from my tenants or the state about low pressure this year. The constant pressure has also eliminated the leaks. I didn't realize that a pump kicking off and on all the time was causing all those leaks. The Cycle Stop Valves have saved me lots of digging and repair expenses. Bottom line is that I can't believe anyone would use any other type system. I realize now that big pressure tanks and water towers are a waste of money. I'm glad I didn't listen to those who told me it couldn't be done. With Cycle Stop Valves, one 44 gallon tank can supply 138 mobile homes."