Author Topic: Well system. How do I compensate for filter stage head lost?  (Read 1473 times)


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Well system. How do I compensate for filter stage head lost?
« on: October 23, 2021, 05:38:21 AM »
I have a well system with CSV. Downstream from the valve, there is a chlorination system, settling tank, carbon filter and then a four stage filter which includes softener. Each of these downstream components introduces a small pressure drop, which is not constant for it increases with the flow. In other words, they introduce some head loss (dynamic). I can set the CSV say for 50 psi and it does work properly at the pump outlet. However, at the last filter stage outlet, the pressure is definitely lower, and changes with the flow.
I could replace the filters, and the new ones would present a bit less resistance, yet the issue still remains: water pressure after the last filter stage is lower than the CSV setting, and not constant.
At this point I have thought of:
1- Moving the CSV past the last filtering stage. Not sure on how the pump cycling would react to it.
2- Adding a booster pump (with its own CSV) past the last filtering stage. Don't really know how to two pump stages would interact.
Second approach sounds like an overkill to me, but wonder if anybody has faced the same issue.

Cary Austin

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Re: Well system. How do I compensate for filter stage head lost?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2021, 06:40:59 AM »
Start with more pressure and you will end up with more pressure
 Turn the pressure switch up to 50/70 and set the CSV at 60.