To incorporate three pumps in different locations into one system, all you need is:
A Cycle Stop Valve per pump
A pressure tank per pump
An on/off pressure switch per pump
In your application, you will also need a low pressure cut-off switch for each pump. If you open up so much water that pressure falls to 40PSI, then the low pressure switchs will turn off the pumps keeping them from pumping sand.
Let's call the pumps as follows:
33GPM 3HP submersible - Pump 1
70GPM 5HP submersible - Pump 2
5HP centirfugal - Pump 3
Pump 1 - use a CSV2W 1.25T 50-120 Cyle Stop Valve set at 70PSI
Pressure switch set at 70PSI on / 80PSI off
Low pressure cut-off set at 40PSI
Pump 2 - use a CSV3B2T Cycle Stop Valve set at 60PSI
Pressure switch set at 60PSI on / 70PSI off
Low pressure cut-off set at 40PSI
Pump 3 - use a CSV3B2T Cycle Stop Valve set at 50PSI
Pressure switch set at 50PSI on / 60PSI off
Low pressure cut-off set at 40PSI
When you start using water, pressure in the tank will drop from 80PSI to 70PSI and start pump 1. If you open up more water and pump 1 cannot keep up, pressure will drop to 60PSI and start pump 2. Open up even more water and pressure will drop to 50PSI and start pump 3. This ensures that you will always have at least 50PSI on the system.
Close off water, and system pressure will climb shutting off the pumps accordingly.
If the pumps shut down on low pressure, they will have to be manually re-started. This means that the water usage will have to be closed off and the low pressure switch on pump 1 will have to be bypassed so that the pump will be able to start and bring system pressure above 40PSI. Some switches have this bypass feature built in, but some do not. For the switches that do not, a simple light switch or toggle switch will work.
In selecting the pressure switches, you need to pick a switch that will allow a 10PSI differential between on and off. Exapmle: on at 50PSI - off at 60PSI.
Please see below for how this will look.
Thank You,
Dennis Haney
Cycle Stop Valves