I realize this may be trivial here but it seems every supply house I ask about a CSV, look at me like a deer in headlights.
I just installed a 2800g cistern fed by our well. The system will be for filling five 1000gallon stock tanks, arena dust control and supplying a few drip irrigated garden plots.
Pump sits 9' below grade and all piping is 1.25" poly trenched 3ft below grade. Tank and manifold will be located in a 4'x4' concrete pit at the same level as piping. Runs are pretty much straight shots. Longest one about 300' with 3-4 elbows. All points of usage except sprinklers will be through Woodward Y1 frost free Hydrants with 1" inlets and 3/4" hose outlets. (I'm told they flow 28gpm @ 50psi)
Zones:1) Arena: 120'x220' covered by two Sime K1 sprinklers. (
http://bigsprinkler.com/products/sime-k1-sprinkler) Roughly 25gpm @ 50psi will do the trick if I use one sprinkler at a time. 36gpm @ 44psi does the job slower but running both would be very convenient.
2)Stock tanks: 1000 gallons each. I let them run low, drain, clean and refill at one time. They are not on float valves. (Faster the fill time the better)
3)Drip Irrigation: This years plot will only require 16gpm @ 12-15psi. Each irrigation time is expected to be 1.5-2hrs. Future plots will mimic this one in regards to demand. I expect at least one more plot so demand would double if I wanted to irrigate both at once. Although, being split into zones and different crops. I dont see a need to irrigate both at the same time.
4) A single hydrant will be available for general usage. (washing horses, cleaning things etc)
When looking at 35gpm Franklin E series and 4" high capacity pumps coupled to 1.5hp motors it appears they sit nicely in the efficiency range around 30gpm @ 50psi however I'm not sure if I'm calculating head correctly or for the CSV? I'm confused considering the CSV derating the motor and if I should go with a higher/lower hp motor.
Here is a link to franklin/schaefer pump charts:
http://www.franklin-electric.com/media/documents/MS2009_Schaefer_Catalog_04-14_WEB.pdfI would really appreciate help in correctly selecting a motor/pump in conjunction with the CSV for my application. I'm very familiar with VFD's in other industries but think its overkill and an unnecessary level of complexity for this systems usage. But hey, if I need one, I need one.
Thank you in advance for any help.