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Messages - cladams

Pages: [1]

Thank you for your response.


I recently purchased a property in Sonora Mexico that has a Tanaca (cistern) tank that sits on a hill about forty feet away and fifteen feet above the house.  The house is a three-bedroom with 2.5 baths and eight sprinkler valves, on an automatic controller, that are fed from half-inch pipe.
The tank has a submersible pump in it that is controlled by a typical pump control that is set to 40/60 and is located near the bottom of the tank.  It is plumbed with one-inch PVC, which I believe continues all the way to the house and has a bladder pressure tank (around 30 gallons) Teed into the line near the pump control.   There is also has a pump located at the house, but it doesn't seem to be needed and I intend to remove it along with a broken water softener.  I have pictures available, but I cant seem to attach them to this thread.
The main installation sits in direct sun light and temperatures easily exceed 100 degrees in the hot months.
I would like to purchase a CSV to stop the constant cycling of the pump, and realize that it needs to be installed between the check-valve and the pump controller.  The only difference that I can see is that the CSV125 says, "maximum of 90 degrees", which I think will be a problem.

My question is, "Which valve is correct for my application, the CSV125 or the CSV1A ?"

Or should I do something else entirely?

Thanks in advance!


Chris Adams

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