Valve Tech / Which is better?. CSV125 valve In well or OUT of well?.
« on: May 23, 2021, 07:27:39 PM »
Currently I have a CSV125 valve located in my Pump House just BEFORE the Pressure Tank and my BACK PRESSURE reading is 170 psi!. I was wondering if I put the valve IN the well say half way down at 50' would that REDUCE my BACK PRESSURE?. My total depth is 100' and I have 1" Poly Pipe rated at 200 psi. with a 1/2 hp motor. As I read the MAX Back pressure for the CSV125 is 150psi. If I read and understood Cary Austin in one of his previous post he explained that every 2.31' of depth in the ground their is a LOSS of 1psi. So if I put my CSV125 at 50' I should see a LOSS of 21.66 psi?. So 170-21.66=148.35 psi?. Did I get my math right?. That would put my BACK PRESSURE at 148 psi, below the MAX rating of the CSV125 valve of 150 psi, Right?.