That link is to an article, not a video. But I am glad you found the video. That 10GS15 Goulds is probably about right for that well and your house. With a pump setting of 300' and a static water level of 190', there will be 160 PSI on the underground pipe. Since the burst pressure of pipe is 2 to 5 times the rated pressure, you should be fine with 150 PSI pipe. But I am curious what kind of pipe that is, because most people use 160-200 PSI or even higher rated pipe in the ground? The CSV can go at the well head if needed, which will keep the underground line seeing 40-60 PSI only. But it is usually better to put everything in the house or well house if you can.
All you need is a regular 10GS15 pump with a normal single phase motor and control box for a three wire unit. And since you have two families in the house I would use the 10 gallon size tank on one of our PK1A kits. That makes the kit cost you $395 including shipping. The PK1A will do a better job than the variable speed thing and make your pump last several times longer, not to mention it cost a fraction of what a VFD does. Of course these are the reasons the pump man prefers to sell VFD's instead of CSV's. I can't blame him for wanting to make more money and come back to work on it more often, but you should!
Oh and the 10GS10 number you gave is for a 1HP not a 1.5 HP, which maybe all you need anyway.