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Messages - Rory

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Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Required Pump Size with CSV
« on: January 22, 2013, 02:09:17 PM »
Thanks very much for the info. I appreciate the time you take to answer the questions on the forum.

I think the pump does reach its max when it's working. What I noticed was that the gauge's needle would bounce around when the pump was on. Does this mean there was vibration?

I don't know if I used the right term when I said pulsing, but what I mean is that if you hold the pipe you will feel some trembling. I thought this would be normal considering that a motor is on and water is moving through the pipes. The motion is nothing that you can actually see.

The valve and tank are the ones in the pside kick kit. I'll work on setting that pressure switch back to its original 40/60.

Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Required Pump Size with CSV
« on: January 22, 2013, 09:24:57 AM »
Thanks for the response Cary.

In case it may shed some light, note that the pump I have is the CJ90F. I don't think the pressure gauge is reading high as it worked well on previous installation.  I thought the same thing about the vibration but it doesn't seem to vibrate at all. If anything there is pulsation which I think is normal but I wouldn't know. As to the water hammer, I hear nothing when the pump shuts off. Question, what do you mean by sizing the CSV to fit the pump?

I also have another issue I am unsure off. I have checked the time to for the pump to shut off after there is no water usage. The pump shuts off in about 20 seconds. From what I have read this shouldn't be the case. I have the pressure gauge set at 58/38 (due to an adjustment I made and left instead of setting it back to 60/40). The CSV is set at 50 PSI. Why would the tank be filling in just 20 seconds? Is this because the flow may be low and the tank is already filling even before the water pipes are completely turned off?

Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Required Pump Size with CSV
« on: January 21, 2013, 11:46:54 AM »

Can one use any size pump with the CSV? The reason I ask is due to the fact that I have a 1 1/2 HP Sta-Rite jet pump  that has twice broken the PVC T-connector on the outlet side (a male pvc threaded connector goes into the pump and the T-connector is joined to the male connector). I used the T connector for a pressure gauge right on top of the pump outlet. I finally removed the T-connector and replaced with just a 90 degree elbow (also PVC) and I have had no issue since. While the pressure gauge was on I noticed that the pressure would be between 80 and 100 psi when the pump was on. This higher pressure makes me think the pump may be too large. Is this higher pressure normal?

The reason I got the 1 1/2 HP pump is that the pump has to push the water 23' above where it sits. With the possibility of having up to 7.5 gpm demand for showers (3 showers that have 2.5 gpm showerheads) I thought it best to get the 1 1/2 HP pump.

Thanks in advance for your response.


I would go with the 3/4 HP, 10 GPM.  You will be better off with a 50/70 pressure switch setting.  With the large tan you have, that would mean a CSV setting of 65 PSI.  You will need the extra pressure for the elevation of the top floor, and the CSV will make the pump work like a smaller pump when you need it.

I thought the CSV needs to be set at 10 psi below the cut-off pressure. Is this not the case? Under what circumstances would you ignore this requirement?

Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: PRV in the PK1A Kit
« on: June 20, 2012, 12:59:18 PM »
Yes, that did it. Thanks very much.

Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / PRV in the PK1A Kit
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:54:45 AM »
Hello, I bought the PK1A kit on the internet, installed it and I seem to have a leaking PRV. Is the PRV in this kit adjustable? I thought the PRV was working well because when I first turned on the pump, it would not cut off and the PRV opened. (Since the pump did not cut off I decided to adjust the pressure switch, i.e., lower the cut off pressure. I gave it quite a few turns and the pump cut off at 57 PSI so it looks like the pressure switch was not set at 60/40 psi as stated in the documentation that came with it.)

Before adjusting the switch and while the pump was on and pushed the pressure up, the PRV opened to let water out. At the point when the PRV opened the pressure on the gauge at the CSV was less than 75 psi so it appears that the PRV is not set for 75 psi. Can the PRV be adjusted or do I need to get another PRV that can be set to 75 psi?



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