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Messages - john98266

Pages: [1]
Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Re: Low pressure due to low flow?
« on: August 25, 2023, 11:46:28 AM »
Thanks but I bypassed them with virtually no change in the flow.

Pumps, Wells, Tanks, Controls / Low pressure due to low flow?
« on: August 24, 2023, 06:08:19 PM »
HELP!  My system is a 78' well with a 1/2hp F&W 11GPM pump at 70'.  I have a CSVS125-1 installed in the well at the pitless adapter.  The pipe from the well to the manifold is 195' of 1-1/4" Pex.  Past the manifold is a Kinetico water softener system.  From there, there is a 1" poly pipe approx 50' to the 3/4" connection under my manufactured home.  The CSV is set for 50lbs and the pressure cut-off is at 40-60lbs.  I have checked the pressure at the hose bib in my shop (where the manifold and softener systems are) and it is 60psi.  The flow at the hose bib in the shop is about 6gpm. When I turn on the faucet to water the lawn, the pressure drops to 40psi or lower if any other water is being used.  This is a new home and I'm not sure where to start looking.  Maybe a bigger pump?  The wiring was installed to handle the amperage.  I'm open to all suggestions.

Applications / Re: Advice needed
« on: January 13, 2022, 11:10:30 AM »
THANKS for the reply!  When I purchased my CSV, I planned on building a separate well house and so I purchased a PK1A kit.  Now, I am planning to put the water works in my shop and realize that I should have purchased a PK1AM.  How can I purchase a manifold or is there another solution?  And while we're talking, I'm going to need to install a valve control box or similar to access the CSV.  My frost line is 18" so I was thinking a 24" high box would work nicely.  Any suggestions for where to find a good one?

Applications / Advice needed
« on: January 12, 2022, 11:46:21 AM »
Hi there!  I have decided on and have purchased a CSV for my well pump installation.  That said, I need some advice.  My well is located about 300' from my home and shop.  I plan to run 1-1/4" PEX from the well to the shop and then from the shop to the house.  The shop is being built 1st.  Anyway, I am still undecided on where to put the water works.  I can build a well house near the well or I can hook everything up in the shop.  If I build a wellhouse, I can put hydrants in wherever I please but if I put it in the shop, I believe that creates issues with hydrants.  Or does it?  What if I were to install the CSV at the well/pitless adapter?  Would that work?  I have never had a well, let alone hooked on up myself and want to do this right.  Thanks for the advice!

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