Valve Tech / Detailed dimensions of all o-rings in the CSV1A valve
« on: July 09, 2024, 12:14:52 PM »
I encountered a torn o-ring (the smaller one just below the “windows” in the plastic). I could not find any details on exactly what size o-ring is needed.
Apparently, it would be ideal to have the outside diameter, OD, inside diameter, ID, and cross-sectional dimension, CS. (See attached image)
I measured the torn o-ring, and then discovered absolutely no one (5 shops visited) in town had that size. I know I can order them from CSV (and they actually DID put some in the mail to me which I TRULY APPRECIATE) but I really needed an immediate solution because my pump was cycling in 20 second increments every time the 4.4 gal tank “dumped”. No one locally carries a 1/16” thickness (CS or cross-section) ring, which I believe is what’s needed. The “thicker” rings that everyone seemed to have will not allow the red valve housing to seat all the way, and thus it leaks continuously.
I wound up taking a scalpel to the closest-sized one I could find to “thin” it down – I could not believe that this worked (for now) because the result was so ragged, but I never want to do it again.
Long story short, could someone post the EXACT dimensions on ALL the o-rings in this valve. With this info. I’m hoping I can get someone locally to stock them for emergencies.
Thank for your help!
Phil Zinser
Apparently, it would be ideal to have the outside diameter, OD, inside diameter, ID, and cross-sectional dimension, CS. (See attached image)
I measured the torn o-ring, and then discovered absolutely no one (5 shops visited) in town had that size. I know I can order them from CSV (and they actually DID put some in the mail to me which I TRULY APPRECIATE) but I really needed an immediate solution because my pump was cycling in 20 second increments every time the 4.4 gal tank “dumped”. No one locally carries a 1/16” thickness (CS or cross-section) ring, which I believe is what’s needed. The “thicker” rings that everyone seemed to have will not allow the red valve housing to seat all the way, and thus it leaks continuously.
I wound up taking a scalpel to the closest-sized one I could find to “thin” it down – I could not believe that this worked (for now) because the result was so ragged, but I never want to do it again.

Long story short, could someone post the EXACT dimensions on ALL the o-rings in this valve. With this info. I’m hoping I can get someone locally to stock them for emergencies.
Thank for your help!
Phil Zinser