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Topics - pzinser

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Valve Tech / Detailed dimensions of all o-rings in the CSV1A valve
« on: July 09, 2024, 12:14:52 PM »
I encountered a torn o-ring (the smaller one just below the “windows” in the plastic).  I could not find any details on exactly what size o-ring is needed.

Apparently, it would be ideal to have the outside diameter, OD, inside diameter, ID, and cross-sectional dimension, CS. (See attached image)

I measured the torn o-ring, and then discovered absolutely no one (5 shops visited) in town had that size.  I know I can order them from CSV (and they actually DID put some in the mail to me which I TRULY APPRECIATE) but I really needed an immediate solution because my pump was cycling in 20 second increments every time the 4.4 gal tank “dumped”.  No one locally carries a 1/16” thickness (CS or cross-section) ring, which I believe is what’s needed.  The “thicker” rings that everyone seemed to have will not allow the red valve housing to seat all the way, and thus it leaks continuously.
 I wound up taking a scalpel to the closest-sized one I could find to “thin” it down – I could not believe that this worked (for now) because the result was so ragged, but I never want to do it again.    ;D

Long story short, could someone post the EXACT dimensions on ALL the o-rings in this valve. With this info. I’m hoping I can get someone locally to stock them for emergencies.

Thank for your help!

Phil Zinser

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