The best way to know if your pump man or driller knows what he/she is doing, is to find out what they say about a Cycle Stop Valve. If they really understood pumps they would know the backpressure from a CSV makes the pump/motor draw lower amps, run cooler, and last longer. Not to mention that by using a CSV to eliminate cycling, the pump, tank, switch, and everything in the pump system will naturally last much longer. Another plus of the CSV is the strong constant pressure, which makes for much better showers and sprinkler patterns.
If they "go negative" about a CSV, they probably have no clue how a pump works. But occasionally there are pump men who understand how a CSV works and still "go negative". There is nothing I can say about that except that you don't want a pump installer who is working for his benefit, not yours.
Sometimes you have no choice as to which pump man you are using, when he/she is the only one in the area. In that case you just have to work around them like Warren did in the above post.