I have a large yard (>3 acres) with 75% grass bordering a lake (and is used for watering)
I have installed the beginning of an irrigation system, a 3HP pump with a 2 inch discharge.
My first two irrigation zones are running about 55GPM. I see the 1.25 CSV but I really would rather not choke down the 2" to 11/4". Reason why is because in a balanced system where the pressure is basically equal on both sides, the water velocity within the valve would have to increase to keep up... and I'm thinking that would produce a lot more wear on the valve body itself right?
So the main question is, is there plans for a 2 inch version of the plastic CSV, mainly targetted for residential "large area" minus the additional feature of adjustable pressure points?
EDIT: Just realized I had posted a similar question in the Irrigation topic a while ago...