Author Topic: Will a CSV Work with a Low Producing Well?  (Read 4014 times)

Cary Austin

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Will a CSV Work with a Low Producing Well?
« on: January 05, 2014, 05:59:26 PM »
You should have about 1.5 gallons of water stored in the well for every foot of standing water.  So if the pump is set at 357’, and your static water level is say 257’, then you have 150 gallons stored in the well.   You can use this 150 gallons at 10 GPM rate for 15 minutes, or 5 GPM for 30 minutes, before you ever get down to 1 GPM rate that the well produces.  I would let the pump produce as much as you need, then use a Cycle Sensor to shut it off if you pump too long and use up all the water.

The CSV infinitely adjust itself to match the amount of water you are using.  So if you use 3 GPM for a shower, the CSV would deliver only 3 GPM, and the pump and well would not be cycling on and off.  Many times a cycling pump will pump the well dry just filling the pressure tank.  When you are finished using water, the CSV will refill the pressure tank at 1 GPM, so you don’t pump the well dry while filling the tank.  However, when you are using water, the CSV will let you have as much as you need, so you are not left standing with soap in your hair.

If you don’t have at least 50 gallons of stored water in the well, a cistern or storage tank with an additional booster pump maybe needed.