Author Topic: Open Loop Geothermal + Irrigation  (Read 8382 times)


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Open Loop Geothermal + Irrigation
« on: April 23, 2020, 07:31:16 AM »
I saw on some other threads using a second CSV and booster pump for occasional higher pressure usage on a mostly low-pressure open-loop geothermal heat pump application.  Is there any way to do this without the booster pump?  Was thinking of 2 CSVs in parallel, each able to operate the well pump.  Would something like  that work?  Each of the 2 branches would be flowing at different pressures, and the well pump would shut  down when the last branch stops calling for water.

Cary Austin

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Re: Open Loop Geothermal + Irrigation
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2020, 11:38:42 AM »
The idea of two pumps is so the well pump can be much smaller for the Geo at lower pressure. Instead of a 1HP pump feeding the Geo and house at high pressure, a 1/2HP pump feeds the Geo and the 1/2HP booster pump only comes on when the house uses water, as the house needs more pressure tan the Geo. You can have as many different pressures coming off the 1HP pump as you like, but it is still going to pull twice the load of a 1/2HP pump.