Thank you.
I don't know if my current switch has the correct mounting hardware, but if I can move that switch over, that would work.
To clarify on the comment about the adapter-- the adapter I would need would be for size because my pump's outlet port is 1".
I'm thinking if I get some 1" pipe coming out the top of my pump to raise it up more to where it's easy to access, have an elbow, reducer/adapter to go to 1- 1/4" for the CSV, 3/4 pipe coming out from the CSV going upward, 3/4" cross so I can reduce to 1/4" for mounting the pressure switch, pressure gauge on opposite side, pipe & union on top to hold the pressure tank...
Need to figure out the orientation to have a pressure relief valve & spigot (can pressure relief valve be put on the CSV1A?) I'd have to make sure it was aimed so it wouldn't shoot down on the pump... then a 1-3/4" stainless steel ball valve, reduce to 3/4" again to hook to the rest of the plumbing (bc it's all 3/4" pvc from there).
Alternatively, I suppose I could have the pressure relief valve on a 3/4" pipe coming out of the cross to make sure it doesn't drip down on the pump.
I'd have to find some way to stabilize it all so it doesn't fall over...
I will have to draw this up and see how it looks. LOL.
I'm glad to hear it wasn't anyone from your company calling and that it was most likely a scam or spam call.