Thank you for that.
I finally got it on. With my grandson's help. It took much longer than I expected and we had to make many trips to the local hardware stores. Still have three real slow drips - one coming from the left side of the PK1A and another very slow drip coming out of the stem that holds the gauge and switch box. And a third coming out of the plastic "hose" (where the water from the well comes into the house). I have taken off all the parts off (where there's a leak) at least three times and re taped them and tightened them back up and still I can't get a perfect connection.
I have two questions. Is it ok to use Goop or another one of those plumber type leak-fixing materials where the drips are coming from? I know once these types of materials are applied, there's no turning back. Also, on the left side of the PK1A, concerning that black plastic hose (water flowing into house). Is it ok to connect a better type of hose or tubing in where I can also use that crimping tool like we did with the 3/4" pvc pipe in the picture? Currently, the way it's set up, the bands that are on the black plastic hose doesn't seem to be tight enough to stop the leaking completely.
Thanks for any input.