« on: May 06, 2020, 11:08:47 AM »
Caveat: I am a pump/irrigation/water system novice.
I purchased 21 acres of a bankrupt golf course and am currently building a house. My property includes the old pump station as well as the pond used for irrigation water. I want to be able to utilize the pond for irrigation and also provide water to all 21 acres eventually. Now I am a total novice to irrigation systems and design as well as pump systems, but I have tried to learn as much as possible.
The pump station consists of two 25 hp vertical turbine pumps on 3 phase power. It also has a jockey pump. there is a large tank( pressure tank I am assuming from what I have learned.) and some kind of valve. The motors run, but I know the irrigation system was borderline non functional when I bought the property. The system also appears pretty neglected with rust everywhere.
Much of the irrigation piping has been torn up from the dirt work around the house and earth moving to remove old greens. I know where the mainlines are and they are untouched, but all the lateral lines are torn up. All of the existing heads are valve in head rotors that were ran by a rainbird golf course controller. All of the wires have been cut/torn etc.
My initial thoughts were to scrap the whole system and start new. I know its a big project, but I still have to budget conscious. I feel like a golf course style irrigation system with VFD pumps and valve in head rotors will be very very expensive. So my idea is to utilize a regular turbine pump with a CSV/tank/pressure switch to supply an irrigation system with normal style valves and rotors.
So with all that said, does anyone know or have a recommendation for someone in the Middle Georgia area that can help me with this project? At the very least someone that can help me with the pump station side of the equation that has experience utilizing CSV's in the system.