Author Topic: Premature pump head failures - CP-75 constant pressure open loop  (Read 5300 times)

Cary Austin

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Premature pump head failures - CP-75 constant pressure open loop
« on: December 04, 2014, 10:40:14 AM »
From a Home Owner with a Open Loop Heat Pump

I have a system I installed in 2006, which consists of a CP-75 constant pressure pump, feeding a 4-ton system, and then draining into a different well. The flow is set to about 12 GPM. I also use water for irrigation around the house, during the dry season.

 The pump head is a F&W 4F19S10, and after the first three months of use, I started getting metal particles into the filter I placed before the HP. The pump failed the first day below zero. Luckly I had a pump in the discharge well, and was able to use that to heat until a warranty pump could be shipped and installed.

 Now, about 6 years later, the pump has failed again. It has been suggested that the overdriven pumps, like the CP-75 system uses, are prone to early failures.

 I am wondering if anyone with more information or experience might comment on this. Meanwhile I'm getting tired of pulling the well pump. Oh, the details, the well is 30 gpm, 75' deep, and the pump at 60', with the static water at 28'
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 11:55:03 AM by Cary Austin »

Cary Austin

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Re: Premature pump head failures - CP-75 constant pressure open loop
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2014, 10:50:05 AM »
I hear these kinds of stories all the time.  Many people tell me it doesn’t matter how much energy a Geo Heat Pump can save if they have to replace the expensive well pump so often.

VFD’s or variable speed pumps are prone to premature failure.  Pump systems that use the old pressure tank only method are also prone to premature failure from excessive cycling when the heat pump is running.

A CSV can eliminate the destructive cycling and/or replace variable speed type pumps.  The CSV makes the well pump system last a long time and is just as efficient as a variable speed pump or VFD.

When done correctly an open loop Geo system can save tremendous amounts of energy.  But a CSV makes open loop Geo systems affordable by causing the system last a long time, and being able to get a Return on the Investment.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 07:04:29 AM by Cary Austin »